Berdiri pada tahun 2008, PT. Semangat Mediatama adalah penyedia layanan jasa di bidang infrastruktur Telekomunikasi. Didukung dengan sumber daya Manusia yang profesional, kompeten, berpengalaman belasan tahun dan teruji di bidangnya serta komintmen atas hasil yang optimal, kami akan selalu berusaha untuk bisa memberikan solusi dan layanan yang terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan pengguna jasa kami. Kami bekerja dan berkarya dengan budaya kerja Profesional, Intergritas dan Pengembangan inovasi yang berkesinambungan untuk mencapai hubungan kerjasama yang saling percaya dan saling menguntungkan
Established at the end of 2008, PT. Semangat Mediatama is a provider of infrastructure services for telecommunications. Supported by human resources who are professional, competent, experienced in dozens of years and tested in their fields and committed to optimal results, we will always try to be able to provide the best solutions and services to achieve the goals of our customers. We work with a professional work culture, Integrity and Development of continuous innovation to achieve a cooperative relationship of mutual trust and mutual benefit
16 Years we have doing our business for global brands. Our success story.

Being an qualified and trusted provider telecommunication infrastructure company that guarantees good services and customer satisfaction, and give a positive impact on the surrounding environment
- Ensuring customer satisfaction and goalss
- Innovative and continuous service improvement
- Be straight forward and clear in providing solutions and project delivery
- Be on time for work completion
- Planned development to improve human resource competencies
- Be on time for work completion
Winning awards
And Achievements
Working hours
Desperate for work
Happy clients
We love clients
Our Leadership Team
The Management